LinkedIn Recruiter vs

Why our customers love us…


Unrivalled one-on-one support and guidance to ensure your success.

Flexible Pricing

With flexible pricing options, you’ll only pay for what you use.

“the team brought the most incredible customer service. They really understood from an empathetic standpoint what we were going through and some of our growth pains, and they were readily available any point that we needed.” read more...Sarah Hadj, Talent Lead @ Mr Yum ∙

LinkedIn Recruiter allows you to search their social platform to find, and message candidates via InMail. If InMail and having the most up-to-date data is important to you, LinkedIn Recruiter is a good option. is also a search and engagement tool, with a deeper focus on utilising innovative ways to understand and manipulate social data through the use of personal AI search models. has a flexible pricing model and provides accessible one-on-one support.

Feature Comparison LinkedIn Recruiter
Evolutionary AI Search ox
#Opentowork spotlightxo
Multi-step sequencesox
Bulk messagingoo
Collaboration toolsoo
Nurture / talent communityox
Email toolsox
Usage-based Pricingox
On-demand supportox

Whilst both can be used for search and engagement, if you’re looking to find niche candidates and are interested in exploring an innovative approach to sourcing, will be an excellent choice for you.

Want to Learn More?

“As we progressed along the journey, was with us the entire time. If we had questions around the market rate or if we were at a tension point with a candidate, we could just pick up the phone and get advice from the customer success team. They were always there to make us feel supported.” ” read more...Alicia Blazey, Head of Operations @ Outfit. ∙