SourceWhale vs

Why our customers love us…

AI Search

Personalised AI Searches that evolve and learn with you.


Tools to help cultivate hires and let relationships bloom.

“ has transformed the way we hire. Where we were once hiring reactively and out of desperation, we have now adopted a holistic and proactive approach which has made hiring a positive and exciting experience.” read more...Alicia Blazey, Head of Operations ∙ Outfit

SourceWhale is an engagement tool, designed to streamline outreach and provide insights on outbound messaging. It allows you to plug into your existing talent discovery platforms (such as Dribble and Monster) to then engage with candidates. SourceWhale is popular within agency recruiting. supports both search and engagement, so you don’t have to manage data across systems. The platform leverages personal AI search models to help you uncover difficult-to-find talent. Our suite of engagement and automation tools assists in engaging and converting passive candidates.

Feature Comparison SourceWhale
Talent Community / Nurtureox
Evolutionary AI Searchox
Contact Discoveryoo
Targeted Referralsox
Sourcing Integrationsxo
Automated Email Outreachoo

If you’re looking for a powerful email automation and candidate management tool, and already have access to candidates, SourceWhale is a fantastic option. If you’re looking for a streamlined solution where you can discover and engage with talent, has you covered.

Want to Learn More?

“ really enables you to run an entire search function, with a very limited investment of also enables you to talk to your business about long term talent acquisition strategy as well, all wrapped up in one tool.” read more...Rebecca McDonald, People, Culture and Talent Manager ∙ Carton Cloud