Teamable vs

Why our customers love us…

Flexible Pricing

With flexible pricing options, you’ll only pay for what you use.


Unrivalled one-on-one support and guidance to ensure your success.

“ has transformed the way we hire. Where we were once hiring reactively and out of desperation, we have now adopted a holistic and proactive approach which has made hiring a positive and exciting experience.” read more...Alicia Blazey, Head of Operations ∙ Outfit

Teamable (also known as TopFunnel) is a top-of-funnel recruitment platform. It’s search capabilities focus on booleans and they also provide an NLP interface. They also had engagement tools for emailing. Teamable is a great product if you’re looking for an all-in-one solution. is also a top-of-funnel recruitment platform, supporting both search and engagement. Our AI Search uses an evolutionary AI to learn what candidates you like, and we also streamline your LinkedIn messaging. is the right choice if you prefer a flexible pricing model and need more product support.

Feature Comparison Teamable
Evolutionary AI Searchox
Inbound integrationoo
DE&I Toolingoo
LinkedIn Messaging Supportox
Targetted referralsoo
GPT Messagingoo
Usage-based pricingox

If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution for your top-of-funnel hiring Teamable is a fantastic option. If you’re interested in the features Teamable offers but want more product support and are interested in the benefits of usage-based pricing, is the solution for you.

Want to Learn More?

“ really enables you to run an entire search function, with a very limited investment of also enables you to talk to your business about long term talent acquisition strategy as well, all wrapped up in one tool.” read more...Rebecca McDonald, People, Culture and Talent Manager ∙ Carton Cloud